What technologies or knowledge do you need to equip to participate in the IoTs field?

The term IoT or Internet of Things refers to the Internet connection of all things. Thanks to the advent of cheap computer chips and high-bandwidth telecommunications technology, today, we have billions of connected devices. connect to the internet. This means that everyday devices such as toothbrushes, vacuum cleaners, cars and machines can use sensors to collect data and intelligently respond to the user.
The Internet of Things integrates “things” with the Internet every day. Engineers have been adding sensors and processors to everyday objects since the 1990s. Up to now, many types of sensors have been created. Previously, because the chip size was still small, there were many types of sensors. Sensors are very useful, typically in the past there were RFID magnetic card sensors. But now, more have appeared such as fingerprint sensors, humidity sensors, distance sensors, etc.
In short, with increasingly developing technology, the Iots field has also become a delicious “bait” for you, the students who want to learn and follow. So before becoming an engineer in the Iots field, Let’s learn about the important knowledge that needs to be understood.
Equip yourself with background knowledge before diving deeper into the role of an IoTs engineer

C Program
C is the most popular programming language in the world, simple and flexible to use. It is a programming language with an independent structure and is widely used to write applications, operating systems such as Windows and many other complex programs such as Oracle database, Git, Python Interpreter,… In addition, it is very Many programmers when learning C programming consider C to be their “mother language”. Because C is the basis and foundation for other languages and if programmers learn C programming well, other languages such as C++, C#, Java can be easily conquered.
Understanding the C language will help you optimize the system in terms of software performance and energy. It is also a stepping stone for the following languages such as C# and Python.

Basic electronics and telecommunications knowledge
Equip yourself with background knowledge before starting to delve deeper into the role of an Iots engineer, which is the skills to analyze electronic circuits, electronic components, and data communication standards. Because this is the basic background knowledge that every engineer learning about fields such as IoTs, industrial electricity or microchips needs to have. In addition, the skill of reading datasheets to understand the requirements of components to operate.

Embedded programming
Once you are proficient and solid in the C language and have a solid knowledge of electrical circuits, let’s work with the hardware using development boards like Adruino or Rashpberry Pi. This will help you understand clearly how to how microcontrollers work and program specific functions.
Furthermore, learn about communication protocols like SPI, I2C, UART, which also help you work with different sensors.

Project thinking

Don’t stop at learning and following, apply that knowledge to some real projects. It will not only help you progress day by day, but moreover will help you form the mindset of an engineer. , know how to analyze customer requirements, optimize the system as much as possible to reduce energy load, costs, performance,…
This is the necessary knowledge to be familiar with IoTs, the development opportunities of IoTs are extremely potential, because technology is improving day by day, in 2024 there are currently many sensors being introduced. into the development and application of energy and temperature monitoring for buildings, so it can be said that this is the trend of IoTs in 2024. And in the future, with microchips being made increasingly smaller, it will helping devices become more and more connected. Hopefully through this article we can convey to you the first steps to becoming a professional engineer in IoTs and will have many opportunities. jobs in life